Saturday 22 July 2023

Career Avice: Learn SQL.

 TL;DR: knowledge of SQL is Mandatory. If you get to deal with data, you will benefit from knowing SQL

Note: geeky SQL-based trips and tricks to manage your Oracle Database will resume shortly. This SQL-advertisement just happened to come along on twitter.

Before you continue, read this twitter-thread:

This tweet underscores my favourite statement: 

Everything is SQL and SQL is Everything.

Why?  Because IT is always about Data. 

And the most natural way to process data is SQL

Data is best found, kept, and manipulated with SQL. 

Even the noSQL systems are implementing SQL-layers-access to facilitate retrieving content.

More elaborated…

First of all, SQL will help you find and retrieve data: SELECT: Select from table(s), with Joins on key-columns if needed, with Where-Clauses filters to obtain just the data you need, with Order-By to put the data in a sensible sequence, if only to put the most relevant data at the best-visible end.

But if you choose to do so (and you should) SQL will also help you define your data-structures: Create-Table with relevant fields, some mandatory, and typed to ensure that a hire-date is in deed a valid date).

Furthermore, SQL will help you define and enforce relations between tables: an employee should be attached to a valid, existing, department.

And SQL will allow you to define Constraints to make sure the data is sensible: A price (generally) can not be negative, assignment-dates can not overlap.

These conditions, rules, you can define (declare!) as constraints and no data-manipulation can (should be able to) overrule them.

And this is only the short summary of the benefits of SQL…

My whole blog is 90% based on SQL, and how to use SQL to control your data and your Database System.

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