Tuesday 15 October 2024

Serverless, Docker, Podman, k8s #JoelKallmanDay

 TL;DR: Soon you will run Production databases from a "serverless" platform. 

For several years now, I run most of my tests and demos from docker or podman, and it is just Convenient. It is even easier than using VBox, although I still keep my VBoxes around to give me more of a "sysadmin" experience when I want that.

But should you run "Production" from containers?

Usual answer: It Depends.

Practical Answer: Soon you will. 

So Get Ready to run your (Mission Critical) Databases from K8s or similar container environment.

What I didnt like about Containers, at first:

  •  Layers: Another abstraction layer to "cloud my view", things get hidden deeper and deeper.
  • Ephemeral: Data wants to be "kept", not lost on the first restart-glitch. Mapped volumes can fix that, but they are just another item to worry about.

What there is to like about containers:

  • Abstraction: Easier to run your software/system/database on many platforms.
  • Flexibility: Easier to move around and Scale.
I'm sure you can see the humour of the arguments.  And the lists can be even longer, much longer. I might dedicate a blog to "scale out" of Databases, and the problems that arise, especially on shared-nothing clusters. Some Other Time.

Why I think you will (soon) be running on containers: Because the rest of the IT world, e.g. most developers and administrators, will be running "Containerised".

Some (hip, trendy) organisations already dictate the use of some K8s or other container-platform, and their sys-admins are not able or willing to facilitate anything else anymore.

Also, the next generation of databases is under development, and most of them are compatible with mainstream Open Source systems (either forks or wire-compatible, which also merits a whole separate blog-discussion). The deployment, their use-case, is more and more Native-Containerised. Their whole setup is geared towards container-deployment. 

Of course, performance-geeks (me too..) will state that more layers and more components will Complicate things, and that nothing beats deployment on Iron. This is True. But I suspect that only the extreme-cases (high-volume OLTP) will stick with "raw iron". All other usages might well end up on containers by approx 2030 (in 6yrs from now?)

Also allow me a look-back: In around 2004, we didnt think VMs (virtual machines), were solid enough to run "real databases". By 2014, everything was on VMs, simply because "that is what we standardized on". And we take the advantages of VMs (isolation, layering, flexibility) for granted, we could not live without it anymore.

And by now, Oct 2024, I feel confident enough to run an Oracle Database via Podman, Docker or K8s. As long as I can :"control" the volume mapping and locate my files in a safe storage area somewhere. I suspect this technology is now "Database-Ready"

Anecdote: I recall a cstmr where the statement "we dont want servers anymore" was in vogue, this was 2018, some 6yrs ago. They went to Large-Vendor-DBaaS for databases, and some of their "architects" went to great pains to eliminate the last few servers (batch-processing systems). They even bullied a few of their grey-bearded developers out of the company to forcibly "kill those batches". It wasnt an efficient move, and it wasnt pretty to see.

Luckily, you can start a container (I think we even used an oracle-container image) to act as a linux-server. And the command:

docker exec -it node42 "bash -c yourcommand --options and args"

works Fine in 99% of cases. This is one way to hide your server and keep your legacy (unix, linux, even solaris) software from running. It may not be "The Container Way", and you might get some critical remarks from the zealots. But it Works Fine.

Using these workarounds, you wont need a server anymore. On which some will say: You just run on someone else's server (oh, Hi Kamil!)

But There you have it: You can Run Serverless or Contanerized.

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